How To Learn Self-Control
“A person who lacks self-control is like a city whose walls are broken through. Proverbs 25:28
Self-Control is a useful tool in all areas. Whatever you want to achieve, you’re going to need to learn how to practice self-control.
Below I want to share tips that I’m learning on the practice of self-control.
What Is Self-Control?
Self-control is the ability to control emotions, behaviours, and impulses. To withstand temptation or peer-pressure-to achieve a greater goal.
For example you might have a goal of loosing weight for a wedding, and then a colleague from work offers you a slice of their birthday cake.
You don’t want to be rude and turn down the offer, especially as it’s their birthday, but the wedding is fast approaching.
You go to and throw in you mind, as what’s one little slice of cake gonna do, a moments of pleasure can’t hurt anyone.
There’s more at stake than just eating a slice of cake. You’ve set a goal to loose 20 pounds for a fast approaching wedding, and you know your personal limitations.
Each time you resist temptation, you strengthen your ability to practice self-control.
The more you apply self control, the less like you’re going to become an unstable person, prone to fits of anger and unethical decisions.
As I mentioned above its not about the cake whatsoever, and I don’t want to suggest in this spot that there is something wrong with eating the occasional cake here and there.
A lack of self-control may mean the difference between a person who’s successful in personal relationships and careers, to those who is not.
Tips To Improve Self-Control
Tips To Improve Self-Control
In the previous posts we discussed that success is determined on developing good habits, and building up willpower and motivation. But improving good habits and developing self control is much easier said than done.
So what does it take to better yourself mentally and physically.
1: Remove Temptation:
Instead of struggling to resist temptation remove it. Disciplined people are not a group of people that know the almighty secret to self-control. They just remove anything or anyone that could potentially cause them to make the wrong decision. I know if I have biscuits in my house I’m going to eat the whole darn packet, so I don’t buy them until the occasion warrants it. This creates effortless self-control.
2: Measure Your Progress:
Measuring your progress will keep you focused on your goals, you’ve come so far and are doing well. This tracking progress will give you the steam to keep crushing your goals.
3: Learn To Pray Mediate And Be Mindful:
In previous post we discussed the benefits of meditation and living a holistic lifestyle. I have to reinstate the importance of implementing those skills in this post. In stressful situations take the time for mindful meditation, it will give you the chance to calm down, and refocus your mind.
Learning how to manage stress or anxiety in healthy ways can curb your impulses, and help you replace bad habits with new positive habits.
4: Be Prepared And Priorities Things:
‘If You Fail To Prepare You Are Preparing To Fail’.
I love the above quote, as it embodies those whom will succeed towards their goals, and those who won’t. If your goals are to start a Healthier lifestyle then don’t overwhelm yourself with cooking everyday, (if you enjoy cooking continue to do so). Moreover try preparing a few meals for your work day. That way you avoid grabbing junk food from the fridge or work canteen.
Brain dump and make a do list for your week ahead, that way you don’t feel overwhelmed and once each task is completed you’ll feel a sense of achievement.
In Conclusion:
Eighty percent of achieving goals comes down to attitude. Be a happy work and don’t be hard on yourself, if you fall off track, shake it off and keep going.
Failing is a part of life, and although I often suck at failure, I’m learning it’s better to try and fail thence to have never have tried.
Some days may be harder to resist temptation or stress, and beating yourself up will achieve nothing. Remember you have the power within to withstand the hard trials of life, so keep pushing towards your goals.